About Albert
Outdoor Advertising

Albert Outdoor traces its origins back to the early 1960s when David Albert began building wooden
multi-pole structures in the newly emerging suburbs for homebuilders and other businesses looking
to capitalize on Dallas’ rapid growth.

The company quickly prospered and soon had bulletins throughout the greater Dallas area. The innovation of the single pole structure in the late 1970s gave the signs a modern attractive appearance and together with the single pole’s limited footprint provided new location possibilities. David concentrated his efforts on prominent locations in the city core. After the plant was sold in the late 1970s, Mark, having grown up climbing his father’s signs, set out to start his own outdoor advertising business. Katherine soon joined with her brother and they again began building new locations throughout the Metroplex and sold again in 1998. Albert Outdoor continues operating high-profile bulletins in Big-D, the nation’s fastest-growing DMA. Albert Outdoor is audited by Geopath.

Mark learning the business at an early age. Circa 1966 on the Dallas-Fort Worth Turnpike, now I-30.